The list of books I read in 2023.
Divine Pathos: Abraham Joshua Heschel
The second sermon in the series "Lives of the Spirit" focuses on the life and teaching of Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Lives of the Spirit
The first sermon in the 11 part series, lives of the spirit.
Sermon: The Resurrection of the Living
as preached for the January 24, 2021 online service of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston Something rather momentous occurred since I was last with you. The United States has a new President and a new Vice President. A man with almost five decades of experience in government is now the country’s chief executive. A woman is now in the nation’s second highest office. The new cabinet...
Here & Now
This week, I must confess, I have been feeling more than a little tearful. It has been 154 days since I last preached a sermon to you in person. And I have been missing you. And I have been missing my life from the before times. And my family--other than my son this has been the longest I have gone without seeing any of them. And I have found myself struggling to live in the here and now.