To launch the 2024 stewardship campaign, I invite people who are not yet members to consider joining the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston.
Crying for America: Fannie Lou Hamer
The seventh sermon in the series Lives of the Spirit focuses on Fannie Lou Hamer.
The Practice of non-practice: Thich Nhat Hanh
The sixth sermon in the series "Lives of the Spirit" focuses on the life and teachings of the spiritual activist Thich Nhat Hanh.
All Labor Has Dignity
When we observe the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday we should remember his commitment to the labor movement.
The Buddha Should be as useful as a can
My 2023 sermon reflecting on the art and philosophy of the composer John Cage as a resource for deepening our spirituality.
The Sacred and the secular
A sermon about the nature of the sacred and the secular offered during the Jewish High Holidays.
Roots and Branches
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, September 11, 2022 It is good to be back in the pulpit. It is good to share this morning with you. It is a special morning for me. It is my first Sunday back from sabbatical. And it is my first time preaching to you or anyone else since we held our flower communion back in June. I am glad to be with you, to see longtime members of...
May Day: A Tribute to the Workers Holiday
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, May 1, 2022 I want to begin by thanking everyone who contributed to last night’s fundraiser. It was a wonderful celebration of First Houston and our musical program. Thanks to Dr. Rocke and Chelsea, the choir, the string band, Paige Powell, Jim McGehee, Karoline Mueller, Traveler, the Clear Creek Girls, Rev. Scott, Alma, Tawanna...