Today I met up with two anarchists to discuss French and American politics and social movements. I first met MN almost fifteen years ago when we part of the organizing committee for the Industrial Workers of the World Centenary in Chicago. He is currently splitting his time between Paris, where his partner works, and the United States. He is no longer a member of the IWW but he remains...
Prison Prayer (Guest Blog Post)
Note: I recently began working with the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World. I am serving as their contact person for faith-based organizing. One of the things I’m doing in that capacity is compiling worship resources for congregations or religious communities committed to solidarity with prisoners. A couple of Sundays ago I preached a...
While There Is A Soul Prison (Audio Version)
Audio from last Sunday’s sermon “While There is a Soul in Prison” is now available online through the web site of the First Parish in Needham, Unitarian Universalist. Listen to it here.
While There Is A Soul In Prison
Note: I recently have become involved with the Industrial Workers of the World’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee. I am serving as their contact person for faith-based organizing. It is a volunteer role and one of things that I am doing as part of it is preaching some in support of the September 9, 2016 National Prisoner Strike. The following sermon was the first I preached in...
Psalm “23,” Modern Version
I found this gem by Covington Hall today while reading through the old IWW newspaper The Lumberjack. It’s from the January 9, 1913 edition: The politician is my shepherd, I shall not want anything during any campaign. He leadeth me into the saloon for my vote’s sake. He filleth my pocket with good cigars; my cup of beer runneth over. He inquireth concerning my family, even unto the...
Se necesita más que la acción directa
A few years ago I included a piece titled “It Takes More Than Direct Action” in the column I used to edit for the Industrial Worker called “Workers Power.” The good folks who edit Solidaridad, the Spanish language blog of the Industrial Workers of the World, have seen fit to publish a translation of it: “Se necesita más que la acción directa.” It’s the first text of mine that’s been translated...
After This War is Over
During my research today I came across a remarkable quote from “Big” Bill Haywood about World War I that seems apropos: And it is what this war means to society after this war is over. Somewhere in the files here is jotted down on a piece of paper what is meant by the aftermath of the war. Nothing for a hundred years but war, war, war. Nothing to follow but war cripples, war...
The Chicago Couriers Union: a lesson for IWW solidarity union organizers
Recently Juan Conatz put a copy of my 2007 article “The Chicago Couriers Union: a lesson for IWW solidarity union organizers” up on libcom. The piece appeared in the Industrial Worker and served as the basis for my “The Chicago Couriers Union: A Case Study in Solidarity Unionism,” which was published in Working USA. You can read the Industrial Worker piece here.
When Organizing Your Workplace Feels Utterly Impossible
Check out Liberte Locke’s new piece for Workers Power “When Organizing Your Workplace Feels Utterly Impossible.” I think it is one of the better pieces I’ve run in awhile, in part because Liberte write about some of the emotional and personal issues that radicals rarely talk about.
Protesting Police Brutality
Yesterday Cambridge police arrested and assaulted Jason Freedman during the course of a legal IWW picket in Harvard Square. There was a march against police brutality today that I wasn’t able to go to. So, I wrote a letter to the Mayor and Police Commissioner instead. I’m posting it here in case anyone wants to use it as a template for writing their own letter. Dear Mayor Davis and...