An all too brief tribute to my friend Tupak Huehuecoyotl.
Prayer at the Harris County Commissioners Court, June 6, 2023
The text of the prayer I offered at the Harris County Commissioners Court, as prepared.
The Living tradition
A sermon reflecting on the proposed changes to Article II of the Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Statement of the Houston Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association on the Overturning of Roe V. Wade
We, the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of the greater Houston area, decry the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe V. Wade. The first two principles of our faith state that we believe in “the inherent worth and dignity of every person,” and “justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.” To respect someone’s worth and dignity and afford them justice, equity...
Water Communion 2021
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, August 22, 2021 This is the second year in a row that our annual ingathering service has taken place under difficult, uncertain, circumstances. Last year, our service took place entirely online. This year, some of us have gathered in-person and others of us are participating via our livestream. This year, like last year, as the...
We Would Be One
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, August 8, 2021 “[O]ne God, no one left behind.” This morning’s sermon is on that often awkward topic: Unitarian Universalist evangelism–the sharing of the good news. We Unitarian Universalists have good news. We should be sharing it. “[O]ne God, no one left behind.” Most Unitarian Universalists I know, including many of you...
Supporting Black Agricultural in the Wake of the arctic storm
As many of you know, last week First Houston partnered with the Unitarian Universalist Association to distribute 14,000 liters of water. Working with volunteers from our congregation and Project Row Houses, we provided water to more than five hundred households in need. These include people located in the Cuney Homes and Project Row Houses and those connected with the S.H.A.P.E. Community Center...
Harvard and the Unitarian Universalist Association: Parallel Histories
Since the start of the pandemic, the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston has been posting a weekly ministers’ forum online. In this week’s episode I talk with Dan McKanan, the Ralph Waldo Emerson Unitarian Universalist Association Senior Lecturer at Harvard Divinity School, about the parallel histories of Harvard Divinity School and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Site Under (Re)Construction
Welcome back to my site! I am excited to have it back up! It is still a bit under construction and I have a lot of content (specifically sermons) to add that I have created (or more accurately preached?) since the site was being worked on. This new site is a work in progress and I am still figuring out how to add audio, video, and images to go along with the text. One feature I am particularly...
Common Sense, Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine, Common Sense (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2010 [1776]) Paine’s famous pamphlet on why the colonists should rebel against the English monarchy is broken six sections: Introduction; Of the Origin and Design of Government in General. With Concise Remarks on the English Constitution; Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession; Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs;...