as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, January 12, 2025 Thank you for joining us this morning. I do not typically begin my sermons with an expression of gratitude. Today is different. The subject promises to be heavy. I know that many of you come on Sundays seeking uplift and a smidgeon of hope. And today’s focus… well, death is difficult to face. Death is difficult to...
Through Eyes That Have Cried (Houston)
A sermon reflecting on my recent participation in a border witness trip organized by Texas Impact.
Border Witness, Day 2
My initial reflections on the second day of the Courts and Ports border witness trip.
Border Witness, Day 1
Reflections on the first day of a two day border witness trip.
Grace Lee Boggs: The Next American Revolution
The ninth sermon in the series Lives of the Spirit focuses on the Detroit based activist Grace Lee Boggs.
Difficult Histories: Wendel A. White
A sermon reflecting on the photography exhibition "Wendel A. White: Difficult Histories."
The River is Our Blood: Mary Brave Bird
The eighth sermon in the Lives of the Spirit series focuses on the Sicangu Lakota leader Mary Brave Bird.
Crying for America: Fannie Lou Hamer
The seventh sermon in the series Lives of the Spirit focuses on Fannie Lou Hamer.
Black Humanism
A sermon from 2010 on Black humanism, suffering, and theodicy, that was later published in the UU World and included in an anthology of writings on humanism.
Statement at the Houston City Council Meeting: Repeal the anti-Food Sharing Ordinance
A statement presented at the Houston City Council calling for the city to: end the enforcement of its Anti-Food Sharing Ordinance; drop all charges against volunteers who have been cited for food sharing; and repeal the ordinance.