TagGerta Weissman Klein

The Next Revolution


as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, October 13, 2024 Next Sunday, you will be holding a special meeting to call me as First Unitarian Universalist’s settled Senior Minister. If the vote goes ahead as I hope it will, I will be the eighth person in the congregation’s history to hold that role. This morning and next, I want to spend our time together reflecting on our...

Act Upon Hope


as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, November 13, 2022 This past summer, I had the opportunity to hear the Commoners Choir in concert. The show was part of their Hope & Anger tour. They are a British folk choir that sings all original compositions. Our choir sang one of their pieces, “Hope,” earlier in the service as today’s special music. It was the song’s North...

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