as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, January 12, 2025 Thank you for joining us this morning. I do not typically begin my sermons with an expression of gratitude. Today is different. The subject promises to be heavy. I know that many of you come on Sundays seeking uplift and a smidgeon of hope. And today’s focus… well, death is difficult to face. Death is difficult to...
A New World in Our Hearts: Reimagining Democracy
A post-election sermon reflecting on the need to build Beloved Community.
Beyond Hope
We are living through an Age of Anxiety. In this sermon, I offer some reflections on how we might manage the seemingly unending anxiety in our lives.
The Next Revolution
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, October 13, 2024 Next Sunday, you will be holding a special meeting to call me as First Unitarian Universalist’s settled Senior Minister. If the vote goes ahead as I hope it will, I will be the eighth person in the congregation’s history to hold that role. This morning and next, I want to spend our time together reflecting on our...
Climate Revival
A sermon preached during the Unitarian Universalist Association's 2024 Climate Revival.
Future Visions, Future Selves
The first sermon in the 2024-2025 series, "Future Visions, Future Selves," places play and imagination at the center of religious life.
Grace Lee Boggs: The Next American Revolution
The ninth sermon in the series Lives of the Spirit focuses on the Detroit based activist Grace Lee Boggs.
Remarks Celebrating the Installation of Solar Panels at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston
The remarks I gave at a press conference celebrating the installation of solar panels at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston.
Widening Love’s Circle: Stewardship
The sermon celebrating the start of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston's 2023-2024 stewardship campaign.
Ordinary/Extraordinary; an ordination sermon for J Sylvan
as preached February 26, 2023 at Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston, Texas There is much in the ordinary life of a religious professional that more secular people find extraordinary. A friend recently reminded of this over dinner. A word about my friend, he is a well-known writer and war correspondent. Most of us would probably describe his life as extraordinary. He has reported from...