TagThich Nhat Hanh



as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, January 12, 2025 Thank you for joining us this morning. I do not typically begin my sermons with an expression of gratitude. Today is different. The subject promises to be heavy. I know that many of you come on Sundays seeking uplift and a smidgeon of hope. And today’s focus… well, death is difficult to face. Death is difficult to...



as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, February 27, 2022 My sermon this morning is inspired by the person who won the right to “Name the Sermon” in last year’s auction. When I asked them what they would like me to preach about their answer was both simple and capacious: self-help. I responded with a desire for a bit more specificity. What about self-help? The...

Sermon: The Resurrection of the Living


as preached for the January 24, 2021 online service of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston Something rather momentous occurred since I was last with you. The United States has a new President and a new Vice President. A man with almost five decades of experience in government is now the country’s chief executive. A woman is now in the nation’s second highest office. The new cabinet...

Here & Now


This week, I must confess, I have been feeling more than a little tearful. It has been 154 days since I last preached a sermon to you in person. And I have been missing you. And I have been missing my life from the before times. And my family--other than my son this has been the longest I have gone without seeing any of them. And I have found myself struggling to live in the here and now.

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