A sermon calling for a reimagining of the Unitarian Universalist canon.
Divine Pathos: Abraham Joshua Heschel
The second sermon in the series "Lives of the Spirit" focuses on the life and teaching of Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Lives of the Spirit
The first sermon in the 11 part series, lives of the spirit.
How to form a Labor Union
A Labor Sunday sermon devoted to that ever important subject, "how to form a labor union."
Being, Becoming
A sermon on the tension between Unitarian and Universalist visions of salvation.
Suffering for Blasphemous Libel
A sermon on the significance of the Rev. Robert Wedderburn, the first Unitarian minister of African descent.
Act Upon Hope
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, November 13, 2022 This past summer, I had the opportunity to hear the Commoners Choir in concert. The show was part of their Hope & Anger tour. They are a British folk choir that sings all original compositions. Our choir sang one of their pieces, “Hope,” earlier in the service as today’s special music. It was the song’s North...
The Photographer as Dissident
A sermon reflecting on the exhibition "Libuše Jarcovjáková: The Photographer as Dissident."
Roots and Branches
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, September 11, 2022 It is good to be back in the pulpit. It is good to share this morning with you. It is a special morning for me. It is my first Sunday back from sabbatical. And it is my first time preaching to you or anyone else since we held our flower communion back in June. I am glad to be with you, to see longtime members of...
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, February 27, 2022 My sermon this morning is inspired by the person who won the right to “Name the Sermon” in last year’s auction. When I asked them what they would like me to preach about their answer was both simple and capacious: self-help. I responded with a desire for a bit more specificity. What about self-help? The...