Each year I post a list of the most read blog posts of the last year alongside a list of the books that I read over the course of the year. This year I’m a bit late in getting this material online. Nonetheless, here’s the list of my most read blog posts for the last year:
- Through Eyes That Have Cried (Houston)
- Statement at the Houston City Council Meeting: Repeal the anti-Food Sharing Ordinance
- Speech Calling for Representative Lizzie Fletcher to call for a Ceasefire in Gaza
- Political Theology, Discovery and the Roots of the ‘Great Replacement’
- Liberating Love: Article II
- Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
- A New World in Our Hearts: Reimagining Democracy
- The River May Not be Turned Aside
- Some Thoughts on Ministerial Tenure
- Difficult Histories: Wendel A. White