I am preaching at First Parish Sudbury early next month. Below is a blurb I sent for their newsletter. I feel weird about the self-promotion bits of the biographical sketch but self-promotion is part of the itinerant preacher’s job description. And it is true that I’ve won awards for my preaching, scholarship and activism…
This Land is Your Land?
At it’s 2012 General Assembly the Unitarian Universalist Association passed a Responsive Resolution Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. This service will explore what this resolution means and how it is a call for personal, associational and theological action.
An award winning preacher, scholar and social justice organizer, the Rev. Colin Bossen is currently working on his doctorate at Harvard University. He is studying the relationship between theology and social movements. Prior to returning to academia Bossen served as a parish minister for six years. He is the author of two religious education curriculums and a close to two dozen published essays, articles, book chapters and poems.