In this sermon I consider life after death and call for a nationwide sit-down strike in opposition to Elon Musk's agenda.
Political Theology, Discovery and the Roots of the ‘Great Replacement’
In a recent article in Race & Class I trace the origin of the "great replacement" conspiracy back to the Doctrine of Discovery.
The common Good: Howard Thurman
The fourth sermon in the "Lives of the Spirit" series focuses on the life and teachings of Howard Thurman.
Two Final Shows at the Fringe
We only saw two Fringe shows our last two days in Edinburgh. Tuesday we went to “Are We All in a Cult?” by an obscure comedian whose stage name is Mowten and about whom I can find precious little information on the internet. And Wednesday we went to Dana Alexander’s “Don’t Start Me on White Jesus.” The rest of the time we either did straight on tourist things–visiting the Edinburgh Castle...
Troubling the Truth (Easter 2022)
In my Easter sermon for 2022 I challenge us to go beyond the idea that there is such a singular thing as the truth.
Reimaging Care
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, February 5, 2022 It is good to be back in the pulpit. I miss you when I am gone. Not that I particularly went anywhere. I spent most of the last month holed up in my home office working on finishing the manuscript for the book I have been writing on populism and religion. I am grateful to have had the support of this congregation...
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, December 12, 2021 This is my second sermon on the theme of reimagining possibilities. Last week, at the end of my first sermon on the series, I invited you to attend to the world and share with me something beautifully unanticipated that you encountered: an exquisite movement, an inspiring sound, or a wondrous object. Several of...
Mourning the Past
In this sermon I consider how we might re-imagine mourning the past.
These Things Figuratively
The second source of Unitarian Universalism is the “words and deeds of prophetic women and men.” Throughout Black History month the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston is exploring this source with a series of services on the teachings of prophetic people from Africa or of African descent. In this sermon, I discuss the North African theologian Origen, who taught about universal...