The seventh sermon in the series Lives of the Spirit focuses on Fannie Lou Hamer.
To Make This World A Paradise: First Unitarian Universalist’s ANNIVERSARY
A sermon celebrating the history of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston.
Homilía de Nochebuena (2023)
Mi homilía de Nochebuena (2023).
Borderlands: Gloria AnzaldúA
This installment of the Lives of the Spirit series focuses on the queer Chicana writer Gloria Anzaldúa and her concept of spiritual mestizaje.
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
In this sermon given in advance of Indigenous Peoples Day, I link the current conflict in Israel-Palestine to the ongoing process of colonialism in the Western Hemisphere and the Doctrine of Discovery.
Lives of the Spirit
The first sermon in the 11 part series, lives of the spirit.
How to form a Labor Union
A Labor Sunday sermon devoted to that ever important subject, "how to form a labor union."
Flower Celebration 2022
My homily from the 2022 Flower Communion service on gun violence and the rise totalitarianism.
Being, Becoming
A sermon on the tension between Unitarian and Universalist visions of salvation.
Prayer at the Harris County Commissioners Court, June 6, 2023
The text of the prayer I offered at the Harris County Commissioners Court, as prepared.