
The Ground of Being


as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, November 6, 2022 We are in the midst of one of liberal democracy’s great civic rituals: the country’s biennial elections. Their stakes seem to be much higher than usual. In the past weeks, I have talked with more than few of you who have reported losing sleep about their possible outcomes. Pundits, politicians, scholars, and a...

Books Read in 2021


This past year I read around the same number of books that I read the year prior. I mention this only because it indicative of the way that the pandemic has impacted my time and ability to focus. These last two years I have read far less than at almost any other point in my life. I am hoping that will shift this year. I have a sabbatical planned for June through August and the pandemic has...

These Things Figuratively


The second source of Unitarian Universalism is the “words and deeds of prophetic women and men.” Throughout Black History month the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston is exploring this source with a series of services on the teachings of prophetic people from Africa or of African descent. In this sermon, I discuss the North African theologian Origen, who taught about universal...

Truth and Lies


We are arguably living through the great age of propaganda. The rise of social media and its resulting social fractures and competing claims of truths led to a dynamic that played out in the recent presidential election and its aftermath.

How can we find the truth at such a time? And how can direct experience of awe and wonder help us to discover it?

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