
Reimaginando Nuestra Comunidad


Homilía del 2 de octubre para la Primera Iglesia Unitaria Universalista de Houston Es un gran placer estar con ustedes en nuestro primer servicio en español en persona. Gracias también porque nos acompañan en línea. Nos alegra que estén con nosotros. Espero que si están participando en línea se comuniquen con nosotros por email o que le den un «like» en Facebook o YouTube. Queremos darles una...

The Transient and the Permanent


as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, September 26, 2021 It is good to be back in the pulpit. I have missed you. I have not been gone from First Houston these past weeks. But I have been absent from Sunday morning worship. And worship, this thing the congregation does together–whether online or in-person–sits at the core of the life we share. The title of...

Truth and Lies


We are arguably living through the great age of propaganda. The rise of social media and its resulting social fractures and competing claims of truths led to a dynamic that played out in the recent presidential election and its aftermath.

How can we find the truth at such a time? And how can direct experience of awe and wonder help us to discover it?

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