as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, October 13, 2024 Next Sunday, you will be holding a special meeting to call me as First Unitarian Universalist’s settled Senior Minister. If the vote goes ahead as I hope it will, I will be the eighth person in the congregation’s history to hold that role. This morning and next, I want to spend our time together reflecting on our...
Through Eyes That Have Cried (Houston)
A sermon reflecting on my recent participation in a border witness trip organized by Texas Impact.
Love is the Spirit: Covenant Sunday, 2024
A sermon for Covenant Sunday 2024 on the nature of First Unitarian Universalist's covenant.
The Practice of non-practice: Thich Nhat Hanh
The sixth sermon in the series "Lives of the Spirit" focuses on the life and teachings of the spiritual activist Thich Nhat Hanh.
All Labor Has Dignity
When we observe the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday we should remember his commitment to the labor movement.
Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery
In this sermon given in advance of Indigenous Peoples Day, I link the current conflict in Israel-Palestine to the ongoing process of colonialism in the Western Hemisphere and the Doctrine of Discovery.
New Article: Populism as Political Ontology
Populism is a political ontology, in which political being is centered on the question of collective identity. It is also a political theology embedded within constitutional democracy.
Struggling with Revolutionary Love
In this sermon in honor of MLK's birthday, I consider where we might find revolutionary love today.
Joe Manchin Might be a Senator from West Virginia but he’s Paid for by Corporations
Joe Manchin is doing everything he can to undermine effective legislation to address the climate crisis and stop any sort of expansion of the social safety net. Like a lot of people, I have been feeling a lot of anger and despair over his power to dictate the Democratic Party’s legislative agenda at a time when it seems clear that a major consolidation of right-wing and white supremacist power is...
When the Spirit Says Do
as preached at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston, August 29, 2021 Thank you, Sophia for that exquisite violin performance. It is a blessing to have such talent in our congregation. I think that I can speak for the entire community when I say that we are proud of your achievements and wish you the very best as you continue your musical education. I am certain that you will bless...