TagFrances Ellen Watkins Harper

Ordinary/Extraordinary; an ordination sermon for J Sylvan


as preached February 26, 2023 at Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston, Texas There is much in the ordinary life of a religious professional that more secular people find extraordinary. A friend recently reminded of this over dinner. A word about my friend, he is a well-known writer and war correspondent. Most of us would probably describe his life as extraordinary. He has reported from...

Books Read in 2021


This past year I read around the same number of books that I read the year prior. I mention this only because it indicative of the way that the pandemic has impacted my time and ability to focus. These last two years I have read far less than at almost any other point in my life. I am hoping that will shift this year. I have a sabbatical planned for June through August and the pandemic has...

Reimaginando Nuestra Comunidad


Homilía del 2 de octubre para la Primera Iglesia Unitaria Universalista de Houston Es un gran placer estar con ustedes en nuestro primer servicio en español en persona. Gracias también porque nos acompañan en línea. Nos alegra que estén con nosotros. Espero que si están participando en línea se comuniquen con nosotros por email o que le den un «like» en Facebook o YouTube. Queremos darles una...

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